I was nearing my oxygen limit that I was ironically complaining about a few days before while snorkeling in the colorful reef of the Caribbean Ocean. My only option was to resurface and deal with what was waiting for me, I went up ready to take as much air and pain as possible. “Maybe they are gone, dead or tired of chasing me. Better yet, maybe I’ll just wake up from this nightmare and go get some breakfast and a cup of shitty Maxwell house”. I could only hear the sound of buzzing as I surfaced, the pain was instant as I was stung over and over again on my head, face, neck and shoulders. I pushed my hair back out of my eyes and combed out a dozen of bees, some still buzzing and some already dead after leaving their stinger in my dome. I swam further away, trying to think of a way out, “When will this end?!” I collected the air I needed to repeat this process for what I thought was going to be over any minuet, but lasted for twenty... |